Jeremy is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, real estate agent, and college professor. He has graduate degrees in Religion (Theology and Ethics), Philosophy, and an MBA. He has two kids, a wife, and a schnauzer.

Release Date for Tentmaking in the 21st Century is set!
I just received word from Tate Publishing that November 29, 2016 is the official release date for Tentmaking in the 21st Century.
This book brings appreciation and understanding for Christian entrepreneurship. The personal
insights and journey into business is refreshing. In this book, Jeremy Ahrens combines
encouragement, direction, and practical application that is grounded in a Christian worldview.
He begins by laying an important foundation based on Biblical principles and then address the
stages necessary to create a business from start to finish—startup needs, steps to success,
overcoming failure, writing a business plan, understanding finances, and more. This easy-to-read book is a “must have” for Christian entrepreneurs who desire to know a clear direction before taking the plunge into business.
Orlando V. Griego, PhD
Associate Dean
School of Business and Management
I highly recommend Tentmaking for anyone trying to own their own life in a society where the time for working for oneself is NOW! As a budding entrepreneur, I can say that Jeremy pens this instruction manual masterfully - not only giving the reader an efficient gameplan for success, but explaining our potential to further enrich and support the Kingdom. Enjoy, and let new doors be opened by the gift of this book!
Kathleen Carroll-AltoOwner and CEO
Rebel Enterprises
Tentmaking in the 21st Century is an excellent bridge between the Biblical and the entrepreneurial that challenges us to think outside the box for a new way to fuel the mission of the church. Jeremy Ahrens has given us a solidly Scriptural foundation for launching a business and then a highly practical guide for how to do it! I loved this book and was inspired and stretched by the idea that it is possible to live beyond the chronic resource shortage that holds back the ministry and outreach of individual Christians and the local church.
Glenn Gunderson
Lead Pastor
First Baptist/Purpose Church of Pomona, California